Our classes, practices and events are open to the public, Buddhists and non-Buddhists
Led by:
Fred Villa (fredv8zen@gmail.com) Qigong
Kien Lim (konchoktendzin@gmail.com) Dharma Q&A
Raul Ruiz (raul.ruiz.o@outlook.com) Buddhist Fundamentals
Saturday Mornings (Times subject to change)
See Upcoming Events for schedule details
However, we survive thanks to the generosity of others. Donations are our only source of income and they are used to pay for our meditation space and cover the costs of supporting our Dharma teachers.
Discover ways to become a member of CTBCC or make a single donation by clicking the button below.
Please note that all our classes, practices and events are open to the public, Buddhist and non-Buddhists
Led by Helga Carrion
Sundays 12:00 - 1:45 PM
Online Via Zoom
Facilitador: Raul Ruiz (raul.ruiz.o@outlook.com)
Inicia 07/26/2024 & 07/28/2024
Viernes 6:30 - 8:15 PM presencial en CTBCC
Domingos 10:00 AM - 11:45 PM híbrido en Yoga Juárez
Chenrezig Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Center
2117 East Yandell Dr. El Paso, TX 79903 US