Our classes, practices and events are open to the public, Buddhists and non-Buddhists
Our center is a non-profit organization and needs your support financially and spiritually in order to continue serving the community by promoting peace and loving kindness.
“Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.”
- H.H. Dalai Lama
CTBCC is a 501(c) non-profit organization (EIN 74-2687647). We subsist to the generosity of others. Donations are primarily used to pay for our meditation space and cover the costs of supporting our Dharma teachers and now, for raising money to buy our own building.
All are welcome at CTBCC to enjoy weekly classes, to receive teachings, and to attend community events.
Please consider becoming a member and committing your time and financial resources to helping us keep our Center open, so that we may continue to benefit our community.
A CTBCC Member is a person who is willing to make a deeper commitment to our vision and mission and pledges to either a monthly or a one-time annual payment commitment. This will assist us in building a responsible budget and meet the expenses of running our Dharma Center and bring teachers to El Paso. All are welcome at CTBCC to enjoy weekly classes, to receive teachings, and to attend community events at a reasonable fee.
Membership Levels:
Click the button below to fill out our Membership Form
If you would like to become a member please use one of the following ways:
1. Mail (for checks and membership forms):
683 Bluff Canyon
El Paso, TX. 79912
2. Donation Box at Center:
Put your money or check in an envelope that's provided next to box, write your name on the envelope and attach a membership form to it and place it in box.
3. Paypal
Use the button below to make a membership payment (please specify the type of membership in the "Write a note (Optional)" section at the top of the Paypal form) and fill the online membership form above.
* If you want to make a one time donation, please use the button below
Chenrezig Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Center
2117 East Yandell Dr. El Paso, TX 79903 US